Germantown is a model community for all modes of transportation due to its focus on safety and efficiency through the implementation of a “Complete Streets” policy and program. The program, developed with land use compatibility as the primary goal, successfully improves connectivity, access and service throughout the City. These transportation and land use policies enhance the City’s reputation by actively managing the network capacity around rapid growth and decreasing traffic congestion. A critical issue throughout the planning and development processes is balancing the level of development while considering the capacity of the road system.
The level of service (LOS) for roadways can be determined by a wide range of factors. These factors can include signal timing, length of corridor, efficiency, accessibility and safety. The City of Germantown has been working to improve the flow of traffic on our major roads and timing at intersections. This indicator is an analysis of the time it takes to move through the City from South to North on S. Germantown Road during the AM and PM peak times.
The LOS for Germantown Rd increased due to the WRB at Germantown Rd intersection improvement project. Timing is variable based on seasonal conditions. The City will continue to monitor the corridor as a proactive measure to increase the free flow LOS on Germantown Road. An increase in time would indicate a need to further investigate the conditions at high traffic intersections or where slowdowns frequently occur.
The City has moderate ability to impact this measure.
The level of service (LOS) for roadways can be determined by a wide range of factors. These factors can include signal timing, length of corridor, efficiency, accessibility and safety. The City of Germantown has been working to improve the flow of traffic on our major roads and timing at intersections. This indicator is an analysis of the time it takes to move through the City from East to West on Poplar Avenue during the AM and PM peak times.
The LOS for Poplar Avenue has increased due to detoured traffic from Construction Projects within our region. The City will continue to monitor the corridor as a proactive measure to increase the free flow LOS on Poplar Avenue. An increase in time would indicate a need to further investigate the conditions at high traffic intersections or where slowdowns frequently occur once construction detours are complete.
The City has moderate ability to impact this measure.
Percent of respondents indicating somewhat satisfied/very satisfied with the City government's overall job of providing ease of mobility on City streets based on results from the City's annual community survey.
Satisfaction with current traffic flow in the City indicates that motorists are generally satisfied with the mobility between lanes at the posted speed limit. This level of satisfaction has been relatively stable over the past four years; however, there is room for improvement. A drop in satisfaction would indicate a need to investigate the mobility of traffic patterns especially at high traffic intersections or where traffic accidents frequently occur. In fiscal year 2023, 74% of total survey respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with the traffic flow in Germantown. The City will be undertaking multiple roadway improvement projects during fiscal year 2024 that will help to improve the flow of traffic through major corridors and intersections.
*The City did not administer a Community Survey in FY19, FY20, FY21, or FY22. The Community Survey for FY24 will be administered this Fall.
The City has moderate ability to impact this measure.

GERMANTOWN, TN 38138 | (901) 757-7200

GERMANTOWN, TN 38138 | (901) 757-7200